Monday, May 21, 2012

Random Question #59

Who’s the smartest person you know?

The smartest person i know is a chinese girl. Her name is Yu Qiong Lin. She lives in China. In fact, i think chinese people are good at math. Yu Qiong is my best friend in China. I knew her since third grade. We were in the same grade, same class and we always sit next to each other everyday. So we were very best friend, BFF. Back in the time i lived in China, Yu Qiong and i always stick together. She is the best and the nicest person i had ever seen. She is as shy as me. She always being so nice, kind and tolerant to everyone. She always think and care about others first. So that's why i love her so much as my BFF. She always get the higher or the best grades in our whole school even in our town so i think she is the smartest person i know. When she was in third grade, she can solve those very difficult math questions as the middle school or the high school level in America. And also the same thing for me, i think math is easy in America. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random question #93

You are applying for a very important job.  Before deciding to hire you, your new employer wants your Facebook password.  Do you give it to them?  Why or why not?

If my new employer wants my Facebook password before deciding to hire me for a very important job, I won't give it to them because password should be something private to everyone. Password is private so i can't let them know about it. They should respect me because that's my privacy. They should not know about it. If they already find out something about my password without my approvement, that means they already violate my privacy. And besides, the new employer doesn't need to know about my password for the job. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Random Question #58

What sound drives you crazy?

There are some sounds can drive me crazy. Like someone yelling, shouting or speaking mad loud around me when i try to concentrate on something important or when i try to fall in a good sleep, it absolutely can drive me crazy. When someone lives around me and he/she listens to the music so loud, loud enough for everyone who live in the same building as he/she to hear it, it can also make me feel very annoy because it often happens at night when it is suppose to be the time for everyone to sleep.   

Monday, May 14, 2012

Advices for Password

There's a boy and his girlfriend wants to know his password. He and his girlfriend had been together for a long time and he did trust her. But he don't feel comfortable to share his password to anyone, he don't want to let anyone know his password. So my advice to him is that you don't need to listen to other people, you can just do whatever your heart tells you to do. You can just follow you heart. You don't need to force yourself to do something that you don't want to do. You have the right to decide whether you want to give her the password or not. And besides, password is your privacy and it is something that should be keep it safely away from other people. You should be the only one who know your password. Password is something private so you should not let your girlfriend know. So you can just talk and tell your girlfriend your true feelings about the password-sharing thing. You can tell her that you trust her but you just don't feel comfortable to share your password to her. And you and your girlfriend had been together for a long time. I think she would understand you.    

Friday, May 11, 2012

Random Question #84

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

I think maybe twice a day i look at myself in the mirror. The first time i look at myself in the mirror is when i wash my face or brush my hair. Another time i look at myself in the mirror is after i get the bath every time. I don't like to look at myself in the mirror and i don't usually do that because i am not the kind of girl who always bring a mirror along with herself and always look at themselves in the mirror for checking their face or makeup.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Advice For Beeping

Advices for the video of Beeping:

A girl gets very annoy from all those text messages that her boyfriend keeps text her all the time. She really hates him to do that because he always text her nonstop. She wants some advices. My advice to you is that you need to sit down, talk and tell him about that, you should tell him what you really want, what's your true feeling about the whole texting-nonstop thing. And you know he cares about you and always think about you, that's a very good thing and that's why you don't want to hurt his feeling. But i think you should have some free time for yourself, right? So you should tell him the truth. Maybe i think he wants to check on you all the time, keep eyes on you. That means he really cares about you, he don't want to lose you. But that's too much for you, and that can also means that he don't trust you so he always text you nonstop and keep eyes on you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Question #77

Your friend is an artist. His/her latest work is absolutely awful.  He/She wants your opinion.  What do you say?

If my friend is an artist, his/her latest work is absolutely awful, he/she wants my opinion, i would say something very nice to my friend because i don't want them to feel bad about themselves and their artworks. I don't want to hurt their feelings. I really hate to see my friends feel listless, sad, or lost their confident in themselves. So i always say something nice to others when i talk to other people, i don't want to hurt others' feelings because of what i have say to them. Even his/her latest work is absolutely awful, i would try to make them feel good about themselves because it is better to trust yourself and have your best confident in yourself.   

Friday, May 4, 2012

Random Question #55

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and do something?

What do you do if you can't sleep at night? For me, i don't count sheep even i can't sleep at night. I don't feel like to do any counting after the whole tired and challenge school day. I will definitely turn many times when i lay on my bed but can't fall in a good sleep. But most of the time, i would choose to get up and do something like reading, writing, listening to the music and doing my challenge sudoku books. Do you know why i choose to do these things when i can't fall in sleep? That's because reading, writing, and doing those sudoku puzzles would make you feel very tired, very sleepy and finally you can fall in a good sleep. Reading can make your eyes feel very tired and also your brain feels the same thing, very tired and very sleepy and you really want to close your eyes and just fall on your cozy bed and have a good sleep. I bet all of the students had experienced how it feel like when you are reading for a long time, you can feel your eyes automatic close little by little and you can't help it. Also writing and doing those sudoku puzzles make you feel very tired, you can feel your eyes and your hands hurt, and your brain feels very sleepy from all the working and the thinkings.   

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Random Question #2

Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?

I do believe in the death penalty. I really believe it. I know and believe it pretty well because i am Chinese, i born in China and grew up in there so i know all the truths and facts about my country, China. In my country China, those people, the offenders who got caught and the polices would put them in the jail. And the offenders would be lock up in the jail for a long time. The time they need to be lock up in the jail and their punishments are based on their own crime cases and how they behave in the jail after lock up. But if some of the offenders' cases are very horrible, inexcusable and intolerable, they would be kill by the gun shoot by the polices. So when some people get into some very big troubles like killing others, they have to be kill by the polices. So that's why i believe in the death penalty.  

Monday, April 30, 2012

Random Question #104

If you were a parent, would you let your kids eat donuts and candy for breakfast every day?  Why or why not?

If i was a parent, i would never let my kids eat donuts and candy for breakfast everyday. My kids can eat donuts and candy for breakfast sometimes like once or twice a week. And if i was a parent, i would prefer to have Chinese food everyday for every meal and cook Chinese food for my family especially for my kids. I prefer to let my kids have Chinese food for every meal because Chinese food is my favorite food, every Chinese people love them very much. For me, it tastes the best and the most tasty food in the world. And there is one thing very important is that the Chinese food is very healthy, it is much more healthy than American food or other kinds of food. I think it is the most healthy food in the world. That's why China has the biggest and the most population in the world because Chinese people eat healthy food and we may have healthier or stronger bodies and we may have longer life, longer livings. Healthy food is very good for your body, and also it is very helpful. You can be stronger and stronger if you always eat healthy food and that is why i would not let my kids eat donuts and candy for breakfast everyday. Donuts and candy is not really healthy and you would get many fats from those stuff if you keep eating them everyday. Your body would become fatter and fatter, and do you want your kids become fatter and fatter as little pigs? I don't think so. And the most important thing is that the candy and donuts are not healthy, it would make your kid's body weaker. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Random Question #66

Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?  Explain.

I have ever wished to become the opposite sex for many times when i was very young. I really like to become the opposite sex. I really hoped to become a boy because a very long time ago, there are a lot of people in China think that the boys are much better than the girls. Many people prefer to have boys than to have girls. Those people love boys more than girls. They take their best care of the boys. They think boys are stronger than girls, boys are smarter than girls, boys can handle and take care of big things or big businesses, boys are much more brave than girls and they think girls only fit to stay in the house, being a full-time housewife and cooking, cleaning, doing all the housework. They think girls can not handle big things. They think boys can do everything better than girls. Now the world changes a lot from generation to generation, because of the time and the newer generation have change and affect the world include China. Now China changes their ideas about boys and girls but still there are a few people who still believe boys are better.    

Monday, April 23, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Question #76

Would you like to know the exact date of your death?

I would like to know the exact date of my death. I think that would be very very great, at least i think it would be great for me. Because when the moment you know the exact date of your death for sure, you would know exactly how many time do you left for you life and how long can you stay in the world, stay with your families, your friends or someone you know. When you know the exact date of your death for sure, that way you would feel treasure for your left time of your life. You would feel very very treasure. That would make you hope to use and spend your time more valuable and more worthy. You would try your hardest and your best to do all the things that it is worthy and valuable enough for you to do in you left time of your life. And also, if you know your exact date of your death, then you can prepare everything earlier. Like you can comfort your feelings or your mind earlier just for a preparation. And you can have enough time for your psychological preparation.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Random Question #96

In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?

In conversations, i am sure i am the kind of person who always tend to listen more. I am the kind of person who always being so quiet, so nervous, embarrass and shy around people especially when i meet some strangers. Many people know me pretty well, they think i am too quiet and they hardly hear me say a word in front of everyone or talk to someone. But i tend to listen more in the conversations and i think i am a perfect listener and audience for everyone. Everyone can talk to me, they can tell me whatever they want and whenever they want, they can share everything to me if they want. If you are happy and you want to share your happiness to me, i will feel happy for you. If you are sad, i will feel sad for you. I will be very quiet and listen to you very carefully. See, I am a perfect listener, right? 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Random Question #61

Are you a rule breaker or a rule keeper? Why?

I am definitely a rule keeper. There's no any doubt about it. I won't be a rule breaker, never in my life. I won't break any rule, not even once. I always follow all the rules. I think i am the kind of obedience person. I always think everyone should follow the rules. It is good for ourselves. If we all follow the rules, we won't do anything wrong. Every country, every place or everyone need to follow the rules. And the rules is the most fair institution and system in the world. The rules can rule everyone and the whole world and give everyone the fairness, the peace and the success. The rules can control everyone. For example, we can not fight in school is one of the rules in school, so if someone almost get into a fight, but when he/she thinks about the rule, they don't want to be in trouble and they will end the fight, so rules can control themselves. Rules can also organize the whole society and the world very well. It is very very important to the society and the world. Our world can not have any peace, fairness or success without rules.  

Friday, March 30, 2012


1. Next visit the site  Above The Influence and NIDA For Teens.  Write a blog post about why smoking weed isn’t a good idea (even though every other music video says it is).

Smoking weed isn't a good idea even though every other music video says it is because smoking weed is a very bad thing to do. You may think weed is a plant so it is natural and natural always good, right? But my answer is DEFINITELY NO. It is very bad for your body. It has a very strong and very bad influence to your body. It will affect and change everything in your body and your life. It will affect your body, your body functions, your mind, your actions, your brain functions, your lung... There are too many things it will affect those people who smoking weed. It can cause a negative impact on your brain and your lung. TOO BAD AND TOO DANGEROUS. You can't control yourself, your mind and your brain. You will become a wild, strange and a very bad temper person if you don't stop smoking weed.
2.  Pretend you are a teacher. Write a story about discovering one of your students is stoned in class.
I am a normal teacher in a normal public high school. Now the first bell is ringing so loud. I quickly walk in the classroom and prepare everything i need to do for my class. Now class is beginning. All the students are very quiet, they are taking notes, listening to me and answering my questions. What a quiet class it is! But just then, our quiet class is interrupting by a loud shouting voice comes from the school hallway, and then someone is kicking our classroom 's door and open it violently. It is John who it's a bad boy in our school. His eyes are red, he looks bad, tired. He looks like a little bit drunk and his mind is not totally clear. He is yelling in the class and acting very strangely without any reason. He is trying to hit some of his classmates. so I send him to the principal's room. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Random Question #45

What’s your opinion on sagging pants?

I think sagging pants is not nice and i think they are really bad. Sagging pants is such a bad and nasty idea. Around my living areas, i can see a lot of people sag their pants and it include little kids, teenagers and adults. Those people who sag their pants very low and if you walk around my living areas, i think your eyes will be hurt and you want to close your eyes because you will see something really nasty. Can you guess what? YEAH, YOU ARE RIGHT, THOSE SAGGING PANTS AND THOSE PRIVATE PERSONAL UNDERPANTS! You can see their personal underpants because they sag their pants too low. It's really bad, right? And i think those are very private, secret and personal things for everyone. How come they just show theirs to everyone without any embarrass? Do they care about any of their own privacy and their personal things or they think it is ok to show it to everyone? Can you tell me what do they mean by sagging their pants? Is it just one kind of the fashion for the boys? I don't think so.   

Friday, March 16, 2012

Random Question #38

What's one thing in life you regret the most?

Well, there's one thing in life i regret the most. This regret is for my grandfather. My grandfather lived in New York City for more than 10 years, he leaved China when i was very little, maybe i was 2 years old. And in 10 years of his life in NY, he didn't come back China, not even once. It is not he didn't want to, it is because the airplane ticket to China is too expensive for him. He didn't want to spend that much money on the airplane ticket so he always felt very bad homesick. He made himself looks very poor because he didn't want to spend money on himself and he saved money to send back to China to my mother, my aunt and my uncle. I don't have many memory about him but i still can remember some few things we did together, some places we played or some places we have lunch or dinner together. In my memory, he is a very nice old man who always have those brilliant smiles. He is nice to everyone he knew. He is such a nice man. But unfortunately, he got a very bad disease just before i moved to America. He became very ill. He missed us very much. He wanted to come back China. But he is too sick so his condition wasn't allow him to fly in the plane. He became more and more sick, worse and worse. He always hope us can move to America because he always thought America is a very good country for people to find a better job and children to have better educations and people can have a better life. So he always wished us could move here and live here and he kept waiting and waiting a very long time for us even the last second of his life. Until the day i was meeting the United States Consulate lady in China, i pass all their tests and their questions, i was sure that i got the United States Consulate's permission to move here, i was sure i can move here very soon and meet my family in New York. I was very surprise and happy and can not wait to shared this big surprise news to my grandparents in America, but my grandpa died, he died just before we got the permission from the United States Consulate. That's all i heard about from the other end of the phone. He died, he really died? Are they just kidding or playing? It is not funny, not funny at all! Please don't tell me that, please don't. Please tell me this is not the truth, please. But then my mind and brain was become clear when i heard my mom cried very loud, when i heard my grandma's very sad crying from the other end of the phone, when all of us cried, became quiet, nobody speak up, all of us put our heads down and we all lost our brilliant smiles like they disappear all in a sudden, you would never find them, they were stand very very far away from you. And your world seems like suddenly the sun disappear and no more sunshine, only darkness. I can't see him for the last time. Also he can't see us the last time. But do you know how much he wanted to see us? After i just moved here, my aunt told us several times about my grandpa. My grandpa missed us very much even his last second of his life, when he almost die, he asked my aunt, ''Do they get the permission to move here?'', he asked my aunt struggle but his eyes were very hopeful. My aunt shouted and answer him very loud. But unfortunately, he died before he could hear a word. When the moment my aunt answered him loudly, he died. And my aunt wasn't sure whether he heard her answer or not. I think he had so much pain, he tried to insist for waiting for us but eventually he can't take it anymore. I feel very regret because i can't see him, not even the last time. If we move here earlier, things will be change.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Random Question #37

How close can someone stand to you?

People can stand close to me if i know them pretty well and they are my friends or my family members but i have limit about the closeness and often i don't like people stand very close to me because i don't like that closeness. I would feel very nervous and tense when people stand very close to me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random Question #18

Are you good at keeping secrets? Are there any situations where you would tell your friend’s secret?

Are you good at keeping secrets? Are there any situations where you would tell your friend's secret? This is a very good question for everyone, everyone should ask this question to themselves.

For me, i am very sure my answer is : I am the type of person who good at keeping secrets. There aren't have any situations where i would tell my friend's secret to anyone in the whole world!!! If one of my friend tells me a secret, i would keep it forever in my whole life even the last day of my life except this secret is no longer a secret. If one of my friend tells me a secret and i am the only one who know it, that means he/she is really trust me, trust me more than anyone in the world. So how can i tell him/her secret to someone? How can i betray and hurt their feelings by telling their secrets and violate their privacy? If i really done that to my friend, what type of friend am i? If you really done that to your friend who trust you the most, then you will never deserve to be his/her friend or anyone's friend, you will never deserve to get your friend's wonderful trust or anyone's trust. YOU WILL NEVER DESERVE TO HAVE A FRIEND AND NO ONE WILL TRUST YOU IF YOU ARE TELLING YOUR FRIEND'S SECRET!          

Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Question #5

Are you the type of person who can eat at a restaurant or go to the movies alone?  Or do you always need someone by your side?  Explain.

For this question, i am sure my answer will be :
I am the type of person who always need someone by my side.

I am the type of person who always need someone by my side. I can't do anything by myself without anyone by my side except in the schools or at my own house. I think the reason that i can't go to anywhere or do anything by myself is very very obvious for those people who know me to figure it out. The reason is I am too shy and timid. That's enough for people to figure it out because this is most important characteristic of Tina. I don't have the courage to go outside by myself and i never go outside alone, not even try once. It's not that i don't want to try and go by myself, it is because my mom won't let me to. My mom won't let me go outside alone and she thinks it is unsafe for a girl go outside alone so she always go with me to everywhere, she wants to protect me and take care of me. And she thinks i am such a baby girl, i will never grow up in her eyes. So i don't have the experience of go outside alone and i think that will be one of the reason that make me more timid in society in my future. But sometimes i think it is much better when there's someone who always by your side, always protect you, take care of you and never leave you alone even sometimes you think they are very annoying.      

Friday, March 9, 2012

Random Question #39

When did you stop believing in Santa Clause?
 Well, this is a great question to think about it, at least for me. I born in a traditional Chinese family so i learn many things about Chinese traditional customs when i was very little and i know Chinese people pretty well. Actually, not too many Chinese people believe in Santa Clause. Chinese people do not really celebrate Christmas. And if people celebrate Christmas, they must in big cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing... But i am different from them, i believe in Santa Clause when i was very little. I always think many wonderful things that they will not happen in the world. If i tell you those wonderful things that i dream a long time ago, you would think i am very very crazy. Well, i think i need to admit to everyone that i am a little daydreaming person. I believe in Santa Clause until i was 9 or 10 years old. But i still believe there are plenty of kindly Santa Clauses in the world,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Random Question #17

 Is it ok to tell lies sometimes or should you always be honest? Please use examples.

Is it ok to tell lies sometimes or should you always be honest? I ask this question to myself. Well, actually i feel really contradictory. I think it is ok to tell lies sometimes and i think it is ok to be always honest also. It is ok to tell lies sometimes when some very very bad things happen to other people and you don't want them to know the truth because that will just make them feel worse and worse, so you tell lies to them because you want them to be relax, to be comfort and reassure. I think many people know what happen in the hospital, when someone get a very very bad disease or when someone almost die because of the bad disease, the doctors always tell lies to them because they don't want them to know the worse news or the worse truth about their condition, they want to comfort them, reassure them and make them feel relax or happy. And people should always be honest, like when people ask you something, you should tell them the truths or facts. For example, If you are a student, when you first get home, you should do your homework first but you are playing games, using computer or do something else, so your mom tells you to do your homework but you tell lies to your mom, you just say you have no homework today.    

Monday, March 5, 2012

Random Question #22

Are you a forgiving person?  Explain.

I think i am a forgiving person because i always forgive people. When someone do something to make me mad, uncomfortable or embarrass, i always try to calm myself down or ignore them because i know that they just want to be mischief and i don't really mind also. I don't feel like to argue with those people who make me mad, neither fight them or curse them. I never fight or curse people and i think it is unnecessary to say anything or do anything to those mischievous people. I think it is very difficult to make me mad. But if someone really make me very very mad or very very mean to me, i will instantly mad and say to myself that i will never talk to him/her not even once. But just after that, if he/she apologize to me, my heart and expression will instantly soft and accept their apologizes and forget what i just told myself. Even i don't accept the apologize instantly, i will forget everything the next time when i see them.