If i just got a full scholarship to two colleges: one in New York City, the other is in California. I would choose the one is in New York City because i live in New York City, i don't want to go to some schools that far away from my house or they are not in New York City. California is too far from here and i have to take the plane to get over there. I really hate that. And another reason that i don't want to go to the college is in California because if i go to that college in California, i must live in there or live in the school but my family all live in New York City, i can hardly meet my family and they can hardly visit me also because if i want to meet my family and visit them, i have to take the plane to get to New York or California. It really bother and make me tired. And the airplane ticket is expensive, it spend many money.

I'm thinking the same thing as you!